We spent almost all of the waking hours with our spines in a vertically aligned position. This means that our spine is working constantly against the force of gravity to keep our body in an erect position.
This puts a lot of strain on our spine which can cause it to get compressed. This compression on the vertebrae(spinal bones) can put heavy pressure on our spinal cord and its associated muscles.
This releases the pressure from the spinal discs which are jelly-like intersections between the spinal bones. After this, any spine that may be herniated will return to its position relieving the pressure from nerves that can be compressed.
This further improves the flow of water, oxygen, and nourishment-rich fluid to the spine for its quick healing.
Physicians around the world have found out various methods for spinal decompression that can aid in the treatment of:
- Back pain or sciatica which is pain radiating from the lower back down to the leg
- Herniated disc or deteriorating disc disease
- Worn-out spinal joints
Following are some methods through which you can decompress your spine in the comfort of your home.
Bar Hang-Ups
If there is a pull-up or chin-up bar available at your home, then there is no better exercise of spinal decompression for you. As the name says, it is hanging yourself from a bar. It helps you to decompress your spine and ease the pain as well.
The first step that you need to perform for this exercise is to find a bar that is either a pull-up or a chin-up and quite robust. Stretch out your arms and grab the bar while allowing your body to hang from it.
Gradually relax your muscles to intensify the amount of your weight hanging from the bar. Keep on holding the bar for about half a minute. Then let go of the bar and slowly rest your feet on the ground.
After taking a break for a minute repeat the process four to six times more and 2-3 times daily.
Cat-And-Cow Stretch
This is one of the most basic yoga stretches that are beneficial for the spine. This yoga move increases the blood flow to the spine along with toughening the muscles around it.
You need to get down on the floor with your arms and legs outstretched. Your hips should be in a line with your shoulders and hands beneath them.
At the beginning lengthen your spine from the tailbone up till your neck. Then gradually arch your back by putting your head down between your arms while breathing deeply. Then arch your back in reverse forming an inverted “C”.
Gradually release your breath and allow your stomach and back to fall toward the floor with your head tilted upwards. Repeat the process for a minimum of 10 cycles.
Child’s Pose
This is another feel-good exercise to decompress your spine and to relax it. It essentially opens up and stretches your spine.
Firstly you need to begin with going down on your hands and knees then slowly move backward and rest on your heels with your feet on the floor. Your abdomen should lie between your knees so they need to be widely spread.
Now try to lay your torso as low as you can to get an in-depth stretch of your spine. Expand both your arms parallel to your head with palms facing the floor.
Hold this pose for about thirty seconds then slowly walk your hand first to the left and then to the right for maximum decompression.
Prayer Stretch
This stretch is essentially performed on the floor. Because of its amazing results, it is one of the most favorite stretches amongst the audience.
The exercise begins by laying down on all your fours preferably on a mat. Your hips should be touching your heels while you lie on your knees. Next, you need to bend your hips and move forward.
The more you will bend, the greater stretch you will feel in your spine. But be careful with the level of your stretching so as to not hurt your spine. Hold the stretch for about half a minute before coming back on your knees.
After a break of a minute, repeat the exercise. You need to perform the prayer stretch 2-3 times a day.
Standing Kitchen Sink Stretch
Another easy-to-perform decompression exercise at home is the standing kitchen sink starch. As the name says, you need to find a sturdy kitchen sink to hold onto.
While grabbing the sink, slowly move back until you feel an intense stretch at your arms and have your elbows straight out. The whole weight of your body should be behind you.
Hold this position for 20-30 seconds while inhaling and exhaling deeply then relax. Repeat the process about 2 or 3 more times.
Positional Decompression
This is not exactly an exercise for spinal decompression but rather just a position to remove some stress from your spine.
First you need to lay straight on the floor. Now position a chair right next to you. Then slowly place your lower legs on the chair with the corner of the chair positioned on the back of your knees.
Stay in this position for a good five minutes before relaxing.
The Benefits of Spinal Decompression
The major advantages of spinal decompression are listed below that have been approved by the people who tried these methods.
1. Helps To Ease Back Pain
The reasons for chronic back pain can be many including nerve root pressure, muscle stress, stiffness of fascia, and joint inflammation. These are mostly due to the accumulated stress in the body.
On top of that, if you are overweight and obese then there is an added pressure that your spine is dealing with all the time. This makes it more susceptible to be compressed.
By spinal decompression, you can reverse and practically remove all the causes of stress on your spine and ease your back pain instantly.
Furthermore, it also reduces the chances of sciatica by relieving pressure from your spine.
2. Helps Lessen Daily Stress From Your Spine
If your daily routine involves manual labor, bodybuilding with heavy weights, or intense back movements then it can stress out your spine. It also increases your chance of having a back injury.
On the other hand, people with office jobs might also have back problems due to poor posture, sulking in chairs, and being hunched over laptops.
By doing spinal decompression at home you can help your back to recover to its original position after a tiring and hectic day.
3. Avoids Spinal Disc Problems
It has been proven by studies that spinal decompression methods are more effective ways to heal disc problems than traditional traction treatments.
Be it a herniated disc or a disc injury due to any degenerative disease, spinal decompression is beneficial for all these problems. This is because it increases the blood circulation to the spine and helps the dislocated spines to regain back their original position.