Traditional Chinese medicine suggests that body imbalance is the source of weight gain. A malfunctioning liver, kidney, thyroid gland, and endocrine system, according to traditional teachings, may cause this imbalance. Acupuncture weight loss commonly targets these specific parts of the body.
Acupuncturists for weight loss believe that acupuncture can influence factors that can reverse obesity, such as increasing metabolism, reducing appetite, affecting brain area that feels empty, and lowering stress, by stimulating the body’s energy flow (chi).
However, some pressure points are thought to influence appetite and blood sugar levels, making acupressure a viable supplement to traditional weight loss methods like diet and exercise.
Patients and healthcare professionals are most concerned with clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness. In the United States, acupuncture is considered alternative medicine, although it has been used for decades and is considered one of the health resources.
For economical purposes, the Western medical establishment started to recognize the advantages of adopting treatments such as acupuncture and acupressure.
Types of Acupuncture for Weight Loss: Working And Benefits Explained
Acupressure points mentioned below are thought to affect digestion, metabolism, and other weight-loss-related factors. Here is also a helpful guide to help you locate three major points in the body to familiarize yourself with acupuncture for weight loss and to make it a simple exercise you may even consider doing at home.
Each point is also accompanied by its specific advantages to the body and mind, so be sure to read carefully to know how each point is uniquely suited to aiding certain symptoms.
1. Zusanli
The slight dent under the knee cap and between the bones is known as Zusanli. The upper abdominal organs, the parasympathetic nervous system (which regulates digestion), and the overall energy within the body are thought to be regulated by Zusanli, which is situated along the stomach meridian.
Here, meridians are understood as the strings that connect the acupuncture points within the body.
This position is approximately 3 inches below the kneecap and 1 inch away from the body’s middle. It is also one of the most commonly used points in acupuncture and acupressure.
Here are the steps that illustrate how this works.
- Sit comfortably and find the exact position where the Zusanli is located at.
- Calmly massage in a clockwise direction for 2-3 minutes, using two fingers at one of the Zusanli points.
- Repeat the procedure on the other Zusanli point.
You may feel a stimulating effect when massaging this point right before bedtime. It is recommended that this should be made a daily habit to notice any changes in health. It is said to help you balance your powers, alleviate pain, and treat a range of ailments. Modern acupressure uses it to facilitate healing and good health.
Benefits of stimulating the Zusanli point have been found to lower stress, anxiety, and depression levels, as well as reduce asthma-related inflammation. Research has also found that Zusanli can improve gastrointestinal function.
2. Sanyinjiao
This point is positioned around 3 inches above the inner ankle bone. Sanyinjiao is believed to affect the lower abdominal organ and the parasympathetic nervous system. For a long time, Sanyinjiao has been used to treat dysmenorrhea, which is the occurrence of menstrual cramps associated with uterine pain.
To massage the Sanyinjiao point, follow these steps:
- Place one or two fingers at one of the Sanyinjiao points.
- Gently apply firm pressure to the point with fingertips.
- Make sure to use a circular motion while massaging for at least 2-3 minutes.
- Repeat the procedure on the other side.
Studies conducted on university students that tried the Sanyinjiao point stimulation found a positive impact on their health, particularly for women to deal with menstrual cramps. Pain management became easier and improved their quality of life during their period.
3. Zhongwan
This point is positioned around 4 inches above the navel. his point is on the meridian of the conception vessel. The upper abdominal organs, as well as those involved in digestion, such as the stomach and intestines, are thought to be affected by Zhongwan.
To massage the Zhongwan, proceed with the following steps in order.
- Place two fingers on the Zhongwan point.
- Gently apply firm pressure to the point with both fingers. Avoid applying strong pressure as it is a sensitive area.
- Massage for 2-3 minutes in a circular motion.
Research conducted on massaging the Zhongwan point has found that it can decrease blood glucose levels in diabetic patients provided that a 30-minute needling session is conducted. In combination with medication, there is potential in helping manage the condition effectively.
General Principles: Expectations, Workings And Possible Risks
To carry out the activity of acupuncture, it requires the use of fine clean needles which are inserted into particular parts of the body to increase energy flow because otherwise, you may risk infection. However, acupuncture does not do magic and the person loses weight, but it alongside requires a reduced-calorie diet and regular exercise.
Acupuncture decreases the body levels of the hormone that boosts appetite, known as Ghrelin which is why people do not crave snacks and therefore this leads to weight loss. Due to the improvement in energy flow, people tend to focus on eating healthy, which leads to exercising and therefore the hormonal harmony affecting the body’s metabolism.
Since a few acupuncture points control the level of blood sugars, it helps in keeping the body’s appetite balanced and therefore you eat less. The needles used for acupuncture are clean thin especially designed to not cause much pain and bleeding to the user. Commonly the needles are supposed to be left in for 15- 30 mins per session.
Depending on the technique, the practitioner rotates and lifts the needles when required. The needles release the endorphins which relax and calm down the body which counteracts the excessive need for munching which was caused by frustration, anxiety, or stress. For safety concerns, this process must be carried out by a professional acupuncturist.
How Much Does It Cost?
The average cost of acupuncture is expected to start from $75 up to $100. Depending on your health insurance, you may be able to pay for this treatment but to be sure you should check in with your insurance provider.
Side Effects Of Acupuncture
Despite its multiple benefits, acupuncture also has a few side effects on the body which include, fatigue, soreness, and muscle spasms. Generally, the nerve relaxation caused by acupuncture will continue after the removal of needles. The muscle tremors are supposed to disappear within two days at most.
The practice of acupuncture highly affects the emotions of the client during weight loss. This process brings changes to the neuroendocrine system by making no passage for neurochemicals to restore the natural balance of hormones, and neurotransmitter levels as well.
Acupuncture is recognized as a safe and effective treatment for the myriad of health concerns. It helps to make the body more active without the usage of any drugs. It is noticed that when acupuncture combines with the traditional weight loss methods, the client tends to lose more weight. In such cases, only 1-2 weight loss sessions are enough for the process to be effective and to reach its goal.